27 Ways to Create Connection Right Now

What do you want to do by the end of this month? This season? This year?

Me? I want to be able to add value to the lives of others by connecting with them. I want to show up in big ways and in small ways— for myself, my family, my friends and my community.

Currently we’re in the middle of the COVID-19 crisis— social distancing, quarantine— a global pandemic. It’s April 2020 and we’re all confused.

When I think about the ways people have added value to my life I have so much gratitude.

  • Just today I received a handwritten card in the mail from a friend letting me know she thinks I’m a badass woman. Wow. Thanks Maria. That simple gesture made my week.

  • A few weeks ago my cousin bought my family dinner.

  • I have friends calling me and sending me Marco Polos.

  • My sister sent everyone a dance and made her husband film it which started a hilarious trend in my family. Oh, and she also sent all the girls in the family bath bombs from Lush.

All of this beauty is surrounding me, and I figured the least I could do is send it back out into the world.

And I thought a fun way to send it out is to share more ideas that I’ve been doing and other people have been doing! So check out this list below!

Creating Connection Using Delivery Services

  • My personal fave: send a postcard or handwritten note. This reminds me of my grandma and the letters she used to write me when I was in college. She also used to send me cookies to go with her letters. Maybe thats why I love cookies so much. 🙂

  • Have a meal delivered to their house from their favorite local restaurant.

  • Send flowers or a new plant baby from a local shop you love and adore to continue to support local and brighten someones day!

  • Send dessert from your favorite bakery— pie, cake pops, cinnamon rolls… yummmmm

  • Send someone you love groceries (I’m thinking via Instacart here) and attach a recipe they enjoy (or send in an email or through text)— particularly one they always request from you!

  • Drop off cookies + milk (or coffee, bread, a meal, anything food related)… okay, maybe this is my personal fave. I love cookies and milk!

  • Deliver a gift you’ve been meaning to get them for their birthday, special occasion or no reason at all

  • If they’re celebrating their birthday during quarantine, go past their house, honk obnoxiously (or leave this out) and sing happy birthday. You could even bring balloons!

Virtual Ways to Connect

  • Create a fun spirit week and ask people to participate (think about homecoming week in high school— family style). My best friend told me that her family each dressed up as someone else in their family and it sounded so fun!

  • Send dance videos to family members and have them participate. Currently my parents have set the bar so high, my fear has paralyzed me into making up my own dance because theirs was so awesome. But I still need to make up my dance and send it (you’ve been warned).

  • Set up a Zoom happy hour. I love Zoom because people can’t talk over each other and it really does feel like a happy hour after work. 🙂 Not into the happy hour thing? Try meeting instead virtually for tea or coffee… or even kombucha.

  • Have friends with young kids? Schedule a time to read a book to them via FaceTime, MarcoPolo or Zoom

  • Make up a workout and send it to a friend

  • Do a challenge and tag a friend— Dancing, TikTok, Smirnoff Ice…

  • Schedule a time to play online games with your family. On Easter, my family and I played Family Feud

  • Send a text or video message. It’s as simple as that. So many people are lonely right now. Make sure to check in on them and let them know you’re thinking of them and they’re supported.

Ways to Connect with a Bride and Groom if Their Wedding is Canceled or Postponed

  • Join them for their virtual wedding if they have one and make sure to dress up (at least from the waist up)!

  • Send a bouquet to the bride

  • Good at make up and hair? Send a tutorial so she can DIY her Hair and Makeup

  • Send goodies like a cake, cake pops, a sweet treat to hit the spot

  • Make a meal and send it their way or deliver from a local place they love

  • Check in with them to see how you can support them— sometimes thats all they need

Ways to Connect with Frontline Workers During the Pandemic

They are in the thick of it and our true heroes during this time. While stay at home can feel boring and unhelpful, this is the #1 way we can support our friends on the frontlines. Other than that, I’ve come up with a few other ways to brighten the day of a frontline worker (or their family member).

  • Send a Starbucks gift card. I’d bet most of our nurses, paramedics, and aids are overworked and underpaid— oh, and scared shitless. Now is the time to let them know you appreciate their serve with a little caffeine.

  • Send a meal.

  • Send a handwritten thank you card. Yes, it can really be that simple.

  • Honestly, just check in, show up in their texts, ask how they are.

  • Check in to see if they’re low on supplies— see if you could donate a product or money to help purchase it (thinking about masks, face shields, scrubs, gloves, etc)

Showing up and adding value to the lives of others doesn’t have to be unique or expensive. It’s about connecting with others, opening up a conversation for honest dialogue to take place, and encouraging a network of support.

And I would honestly love to know how I can improve this post! How many have you done from this list? What am I missing that absolutely needs to be added? Tell me the comments below!


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