about Diana



Timeless, Real,

Inclusive, & Incredibly


Together, we'll discover the extraordinary in the ordinary, and celebrate every moment in between.

At the heart of it all, I believe that our stories, connection, and legacy is the foundation to an abundant and beautiful life. Intertwining playfulness, personality and emotion isn't just my approach to weddings. It's my approach to life. Joy is kinda my thing. So are awesome people. Just like you...

Warm, welcoming, and generous, I know it's in your nature to make everyone around you to feel loved and invited to the party. Because let's face it— you are the life of the party. Down to earth and sophisticated. Bold and gracious. Endlessly fascinated by never-ending, lively conversation while also craving soul-led downtime. 

We Can't Wait to Tell Your Story.

about our amazing clients

Creating a safe space where you feel confident on your wedding day is where I come in. 

Like a therapist, I'll create a safe space for you to get real in front of the camera. Weddings come with a lot of high expectations, and my goal is to take not only stunning photographs of your iconic wedding, but also of you.

Creating images that not only stand the test of time, but also embody who you are is at the heart of our work. 

With a National cover feature in Rocky Mountain Bride, I know real weddings aren't only about creating cover-worthy images, but creating a space that allows you how to feel cover-worthy in the process.

My approach? Through a mix of co-creation, editorial guidance and humor, my goal is to serve you and tell your story in a way that highlights the beauty of your relationship and the scene you choose to express it in.

Meet Diana

Vibe Check? You got it! 

The DCP philosophy

"Creating compelling images is only half the story. Creating a safe space where you feel confident on your wedding day is where I come in."

"Your relationship is a work of art and should be captured like one."

"Living in the moment is one of life's greatest luxuries."

"An abundant life is made by the people who fill the seats at your table."

"Growth stems from exploration, constantly pushing boundaries for fresh creativity."

04. flowers. all. the. flowers.

05. connection

01. family

03. good light

02. spaces. Places. Travel. 

endless inspiration

In a sea of wedding photographers, how do you choose who's right for you? What might seem like straight forward answer has seemed to confuse the masses. Read the blog now to gain some more clarity.

How to Choose the Perfect Wedding Photographer 

Read the Blog Post

Stylish, Creative Expression

Authentic, Real Life Connections

Engaging Storytelling

Capturing Moments that Matter.

Unique, Captivating Images

DCP at a Glance

Picked up a professional camera again after 10 years to start photographing my daughter and landscapes.


Moved from the Western slope to Denver after we had our first daughter. 


Since July 27, pure wedded bliss, right here. :)


Moved from Chicago to Colorado after getting my undergrad in education to teach. Met my [now] hubby.


Had a surprise baby. Our third. WOW. having three kids is wild, and I wouldn't change it for the world.


Was featured on the front cover of the national issue of Rocky Mountain Bride with the photo above.


Our son was born, flew to Spain 4 months later to photograph my sister's elopement. 


Photographed my first wedding and have been hooked ever since and traveled to Europe for the first time. 


Traveled out of the country to Morocco for a photography workshop and not only was it iconic, but it took a village. 


With canceled plans to Maui, we went to Crested Butte to celebrate 10 years of marriage instead.


Started incorporating film into my work again and I'm never looking back! 


Took our first vacation alone for the first time in YEARS to Washington and it was incredible.


over the years